Apache Hadoop Applications

Aditi Dosi
5 min readNov 18, 2022


Let us see hadoop use cases in various sectors.

1. Finance sectors

Financial organizations use hadoop for fraud detection and prevention. They use Apache Hadoop for reducing risk, identifying rogue traders, analyzing fraud patterns. Hadoop helps them to precisely target their marketing campaigns on the basis of customer segmentation.

Hadoop helps financial agencies to improve customer satisfaction. Credit card companies also use Apache Hadoop for finding out the exact customer for their product.

2. Track clickstream data

Essentially, Hadoop’s primary function is to store, process, and analyze massive volumes of data, including clickstream data. Hadoop can successfully capture the following:

  • Where did a visitor originate from before reaching a particular website?
  • What search term did the visitor use that lead to the website?
  • Which webpage did the visitor open first?
  • What are the other webpages that interested the visitor?
  • How much time did the visitor spend on each page?
  • What product/service did the visitor decide to buy?

By helping you find the answers to all such questions, Hadoop offers an analysis of the user engagement and website performance. Thus, by leveraging Hadoop, companies of all shapes and sizes can conduct clickstream analysis to optimize the user-path and predict what product/service the customer is likely to buy next, and where to allocate their web resources.

3. Security and Law Enforcement

The USA national security agency uses Hadoop in order to prevent terrorist attacks and to detect and prevent cyber-attacks. Big Data tools are used by the Police forces for catching criminals and even predicting criminal activity. Hadoop is used by different public sector fields such as defense, intelligence, research, cybersecurity, etc.

4. Companies use Hadoop for understanding customers requirements

The most important application of Hadoop is understanding Customer’ requirements.

Different companies such as finance, telecom use Hadoop for finding out the customer’s requirement by examining a big amount of data and discovering useful information from these vast amounts of data. By understanding customers behaviors, organizations can improve their sales.

5. Hadoop Applications in Retail industry

Retailers both online and offline use Hadoop for improving their sales. Many e-commerce companies use Hadoop for keeping track of the products bought together by the customers. On the basis of this, they provide suggestions to the customer to buy the other product when the customer is trying to buy one of the relevant products from that group.
For example, when a customer tries to buy a mobile phone, then it suggests a customer for the mobile back cover, screen guard.

Also, Hadoop helps retailers to customize their stocks based on the predictions that came from different sources such as Google search, social media websites, etc. Based on these predictions retailers can make the best decision which helps them to improve their business and maximize their profits.

6. Real-time analysis of customers data

Hadoop can analyze customer data in real-time. It can track clickstream data as it’s for storing and processing high volumes of clickstream data. When a visitor visits a website, then Hadoop can capture information like from where the visitor originated before reaching a particular website, the search used for landing on the website.

Hadoop can also grab data about the other webpages in which the visitor shows interest, time spent by the visitor on each page, etc. This is the analysis of website performance and user engagement.

Enterprises of all types, by implementing Hadoop perform clickstream analysis for optimizing the user-path, predicting the next product to buy, carrying out market basket analysis, etc.

7. Uses of Hadoop in Government sectors

The government uses Hadoop for the country, states, and cities development by analyzing vast amounts of data.

For example,they use Hadoop for managing traffic in the streets, for the development of smart cities, or for improving transportation in the city.

8. Businesses use Hadoop for sentiment analysis

Hadoop can capture data and perform analysis of the sentiment data. Sentiment data are the unstructured bits of data, such as attitudes, opinions, and emotions which you mostly see on social media platforms, blogs, customer support interactions, online product reviews, etc.

Analysis of Sentiment data is very crucial for enterprises to understand how their customers and target audience feel about their services, products. It helps organizations to discover their competitors and reputation in the market.

This sentiment analysis provides organizations a heads-up about changes that need to be made in product distribution, production, and promotion.

9. Hadoop Applications in Financial Trading and Forecasting

Hadoop also finds use in the trading field. It has various complex algorithms that scan markets with some predefined conditions and criteria for finding out trading opportunities. It can work without any human interaction.

No human is needed for monitoring things. Apache Hadoop is used in high-frequency trading. Most of the trading decisions are taken by algorithm only.

10. Hadoop applications in improving Personal Quantification

Hadoop can be used for improving personal life. It provides many ways for improving our day to day life by monitoring the whole daily routine, sleep pattern, diet plan of healthy people.

By discovering conclusions from all these patterns, It helps us to improve our lives. Apart from it, many dating sites use Hadoop for finding out people with common interests. This helps people to find their true love.

11. Healthcare sectors

Hadoop plays a vital role in health care sectors for improving public health. It analyzes huge volumes of data from medical devices, lab results, doctor’s notes, clinical data, imaging reports, etc, to provide support to health care sectors to treat their patients efficiently. Hadoop, on the basis of this analysis, deduces facts that can be used in medicine for improving public health.

In conclusion

Hadoop is a technology of the future. Sure, it might not be an integral part of the curriculum, but it is and will be an integral part of the workings of an E-commerce, finance, insurance, IT, healthcare are some of the starting points. So, waste no time in catching this wave; a prosperous and fulfilling career awaits you at the end of the time. Good luck!

