Raspberry Pi based Electronic Voting Machine with Image Processing Algorithms

Aditi Dosi
2 min readDec 7, 2022


Electronic voting machine has already been developed and widely used in many developed countries. But most of them use Radio Frequency ID. In developing countries RFID for each person does not exist. And using RFID is still a costly solution. Some of the developing countries use image processing technique to detect citizens. But only image processing is not enough. Keeping these problems in mind we have developed this project where raspberry pi will be used as host.

The Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized single computer or SoC uses ARM1176JZF-S core. SoC, or System on a Chip, is a method of placing all necessary electronics for running a computer on a single chip. It needs an Operating system to start up. SD/MMC card will acts as a bootable hard disk. A camera will be used to take picture of citizen’s national ID card and identify that this user is valid voter for that region. If the citizen is valid and also didn’t vote then the person will be allowed to submit his/her vote. Each voting machine is locked by finger print access module. As the user is identified his/her finger print will be sent to a specific machine for voting. Each voting machine is networked with the central raspberry pi voting identification system.

Existing System :

  • No Bio — metric technology
  • Controller based application
  • No RFID technology

Proposed System :

  • Raspberry Bi Used
  • Finger Print verification
  • Face verification
  • Rfid Based Person Identification

Explanation :

In this ,the whole system is controlled by Arm11 processor and this processor is implemented on Raspberry Pi Board. So this board is connected with monitor, camera, and SD card. Those all components are connected by USB adaptors. Once the base station confirms the voter as valid member it transmits finger print of the voter in a specific voting machine. Finger print sensor takes the finger print of the voter. When the finger print matches the voting machine gets unlocked and ready to accept the vote otherwise it will remain locked. The complete system is connected with internet. After each vote the system transmits an update to tweeter. All the errors or users information is stored in data base also. But for repair, hardware faults or user fault each booth sends a tweet to main voting head office tweet account.

Hardware Tools :

  • Raspberry pi
  • Lcd 16×2
  • Finger print module
  • Rfid
  • Camera

Software Tools :

  • Raspbian
  • Matlab
  • Visual basic
  • Language — Linux , Embedded C

Applications :

  • Automated train/bus ticket system.
  • Unauthorized vehicle detection system.
  • Traffic signal breaking detection system.
  • Parking lot automation.

