Smile Foundation CSR
Visited a place in Maharashtra to promote Breast — Feeding awareness !

As long as health goes, most vulnerable population segments in rural India are women & senior citizens. Poor health of a woman, who is responsible for bringing in another life in this world, has a direct impact on the future society. An unhealthy new born contributes in reducing all development indices for a society and hence for the nation. Thus continues the cycle of poverty and lack of development.
Recognising this, we focus on improving the health of mothers and mothers-to-be. We start at the age of adolescence. Work with newly married women, pregnant women and post-pregnant women. We ensure that their health parameters remain as healthy as is possible in the eco-system in which they live.
We look after the children from the time of conception till 2 years of age i.e. first 1000 days of a child. Thereafter we continue looking after the children who may slip in malnourished zone.
Over the years, the results we have achieved are:
- 72% of adolescent girls have higher Hb
- 100% Antenatal care ensuring proper growth of the baby
- 100% Institutional & safe deliveries
- Average weight at birth increased from 2 kg to 2.6 kg
- Occurrence of malnutrition at birth reduced from 42% to 35%
- Train all women on proper breastfeeding techniques and child hygiene
- 62% of malnourished children in age bracket of 2 to 6 years have moved up one or more notches.
Special Features of Project
- We have a network of 48 Community Health Workers — local women from the villages, trained by us for first line of treatment, antenatal care, postnatal care, hygiene etc,; generating awareness through informal conversations and a direct line of communication with the hospital for handling emergencies.
- A fully equipped mobile clinic taking healthcare services to their door step
- Rigorous monitoring, data capture and follow up to ensure efficient delivery of healthcare